All Publications Chair of International Business


Kampouri K, Plakoyiannaki E. Heterogeneity on Family Businesses’ Decision Modes on Foreign Partner Choices. 2017. Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Stoian MC, Dimitratos P, Plakoyiannaki E. Knowledge Dimensions of Micromultinational Enterprises: An Interpretive Approach across Managers and Advisers. 2017. Paper presented at 44th Academy of International Business, Reading, United Kingdom.

Palcu J, Florack A, Diamantopoulos A, Halkias G. Attention Asymmetry: How Judgements of Warmth and Competence Direct Attention to a Product´s Country of Origin. 2017. Paper presented at La Londe Conference 2017, La Londe-les-Maures, France.

Palcu J, Florack A, Diamantopoulos A, Halkias G. Attention to Country-of-Origin Information: An Eye-Tracking Approach. In Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference . Orlando. 2017

Halkias G, Florack A, Diamantopoulos A, Palcu J. Country-Related Emotions as Mediators of the Relationship between Country Stereotype Dimensions and Brand Affect. In Proceedings of the 46th European Marketing Academy Conference. Groningen. 2017

Arslanagic-Kalajdzic M, Zabkar V, Diamantopoulos A. Does Being an Accountable vs. Non-Accountable Supplier/Provider Matter for Consumer Perceived Value in Business Relationships? In Proceedings of the 8th European Marketing Academy Regional Conference. Timisoara. 2017

Bollen KA, Diamantopoulos A. In Defense of Causal-Formative Indicators: A Minority Report. Psychological Methods. 2017;22(3):581-596. Epub 2015 Sept 21. doi: 10.1037/met0000056

Diamantopoulos A, Davydova O. Modeling the Role of Consumer Xenocentrism in Impacting Preferences for Domestic and Foreign Brands: A Mediation Analysis. In Proceedings of the 8th European Marketing Academy Regional Conference. Timisoara. 2017

Bollen KA, Diamantopoulos A. Notes on Measurement Theory for Causal-Formative Indicators: A Reply to Hardin. Psychological Methods. 2017;22(3):605-608. doi: 10.1037/met0000149

Davvetas V, Diamantopoulos A, Liu L. “Removing the Halo”: Why, When and How Regret Anticipation Helps Local Brands. In Proceedings of the 46th European Marketing Academy Conference. Groningen. 2017

Kolbl Z, Arslanagic-Kalajdzic M, Diamantopoulos A. Stereotyping Domestic and Foreign Brands: Navigating Brand Preference through Warmth and Competence. 2017. Paper presented at 26th Annual Consortium in International Marketing Research (CIMaR 2017), Florenz, Italy.

Kolbl Z, Arslanagic-Kalajdzic M, Diamantopoulos A. Stereotyping Global and Local Brands: Does Warmth or Competence Matter More for Consumer-Brand Identification? In Proceedings of the 8th European Marketing Academy Regional Conference. Timisoara. 2017

Diamantopoulos A, Herz M, Koschate-Fischer N. The EU as Superordinate Brand Origin: An Entitativity Perspective. International Marketing Review. 2017;34(2):183-205. doi: 10.1108/IMR-03-2015-0097

Sichtmann C, Davvetas V, Diamantopoulos A. The Relational Value of a Brand's Perceived Globalness and Localness. 2017. Paper presented at Fifth French-Austrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behavior, Wien, Austria.

Davvetas V, Sichtmann C, Diamantopoulos A. The Relational Value of a Brand's Perceived Globalness and Localness. In Proceedings of the 8th European Marketing Academy Regional Conference. Timisoara. 2017

Sichtmann C, Davvetas V, Diamantopoulos A. The Relational Value of a Brand’s Perceived Globalness and Localness. 2017. Paper presented at 26th Annual Consortium in International Marketing Research (CIMaR 2017), Florenz, Italy.