All Publications Chair of International Business

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 379


Sarstedt M, Adler SJ, Ringle CM, Cho G, Diamantopoulos A, Hwang H et al. Same Model, Same Data, But Different Outcomes: Evaluating the Impact of Method Choices in Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 2024 Apr 4;1-17. Epub 2024 Apr 4. doi: 10.1111/jpim.12738

Riefler P, Diamantopoulos A. Consumer Cosmopolitanism as a Segmentation Basis: A Retrospective. In Key Developments in International Marketing : Influential Contributions and Future Avenues for Research. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. 2024. p. 347-368 doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-17366-0_13

Plakoyiannaki E, Paavilainen-Mäntymäki E, Hassett M, Liesch PW, Andersson U, Rose EL. Time Matters: Rethinking the Role of Time in the Philosophical, Conceptual and Methodological Domains of International Business. Journal of World Business. 2024 Feb;59(2):101521. doi:

Stoian M-C, Plakoyiannaki E. Understanding international CSR in SMEs. Journal of Small Business Management. 2024;62(4):1828-1864. Epub 2023 Mar 22. doi: 10.1080/00472778.2023.2182441


Matarazzo M, Diamantopoulos A. Applying Reactance Theory to Study Consumer Responses to COVID Restrictions: A Note on Model Specification. International Marketing Review. 2023 Dec 12;40(5):894-905. Epub 2022 May 3. doi: 10.1108/IMR-12-2021-0370

Plakoyiannaki E, Hoorani BH, Paavilainen-Mäntymäki E, Ritvala T. Making Space for Space in International Business: Towards a Spatial History Approach. In Proceedings of the 49th EIBA Annual Conference. 2023

Debellis F, Pinelli M, Hülsbeck M, Heider A. Ownership, governance, and internationalization in family firms: a replication and extension. Small Business Economics. 2023 Dec;61(4):1437-1459. Epub 2023 Mar. doi: 10.1007/s11187-023-00736-8

Yoveska M, Floh A, Mohr A, Plakoyiannaki E. The Effect of Informal Social Capital on Start-up Internationalization. In Proceedings of the 49th EIBA Annual Conference. 2023

Montanari MG, Bell L, Diamantopoulos A, Wagner U. The Effect of Implicit versus Explicit Country-of-Origin Cues on Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for a Brand. In Proceedings of the 14th EMAC Regional Conference. 2023

Davvetas V, Sichtmann C, Saridakis C, Diamantopoulos A. The Global/Local Product Attribute: Decomposition, Trivialization, and Price Trade-Offs in Emerging and Developed Markets. Journal of International Marketing. 2023 Sep;31(3):19-40. Epub 2022 Oct 20. doi: 10.1177/1069031X221143095

Plakoyiannaki E, Paavilainen-Mäntymäki E, Hoorani BH. Taming the ‘Mythical Beast’: Revisiting the Myths of Historical Research in International Business Scholarship. In Decker S, Foster WM, Giovannoni E, editors, Handbook of Historical Methods for Management. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2023. p. 425-442 doi: 10.4337/9781800883741.00038

Herz M, Diamantopoulos A, Riefler P. Consumers' Use of Ambiguous Product Cues: The Case of “Regionality” Claims. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 2023 Jul 1;57(3):1395-1422. Epub 2023 Jun 5. doi: 10.1111/joca.12548

Galizzi G, Plakoyiannaki E, Andersson U. Network (Over)embeddedness in International Business: A Systematic Literature Review and Integrative Framework. In Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB). 2023

Diamantopoulos A, Papadopoulou C, Vardarsuyu M, Matarazzo M. The Predictive Power of Consumer Dispositions on Domestic and Foreign Product Purchase. In Proceedings Global Marketing Conference. 2023

Makri K, Leri I. What Do We Know About Reshoring? Analyzing Existing Literature and Offering a Roadmap for Future Research. In Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB). 2023

Lehdorfer D, Diamantopoulos A. Consumer Responses to City-of-Origin vs. Country-of-Origin Cues: Purchase Probability and Willingness to Pay. In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy. 2023

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 379