Master International Business Administration
Summerterm 2025
No. | Title | Lecturer | ECTS | Syllabus |
040032 | VO Introduction to International Business (MA) | Prof. Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki | 4 | Syllabus |
040352 | VO Research Methods in International Business (MA) | Prof. Katerina Makri | 4 | Syllabus |
040074 | KU International Entrepreneurship (MA) | Prof. Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki | 4 | Syllabus |
040221 | KU Global Strategy (MA) | Prof. Katerina Makri | 4 | Syllabus |
040096 | KU Family Firm Internationalisation (MA) | Dr. Francesco Debellis | 4 | Syllabus |
040609 | KU International Negotiations (MA) | Dr. Michele Griessmair | 4 | Syllabus |
040085 | SE Qualitative Research Methods (MA) | Prof. Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki | 4 | Syllabus |
040191 | SE Global Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability (MA) | Dr. Aveed Raha | 4 | Syllabus |
040223 | SE Masterarbeitskonversatorium | Prof. Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki | 2 | Syllabus |
Winterterm 2024/25
No. | Title | Lecturer | ECTS | Syllabus |
040249 | VO Introduction to International Business (MA) | Dr. Francesco Debellis | 4 | Syllabus |
040029 | VO Research Methods in International Business (MA) | Prof. Katerina Makri | 4 | Syllabus |
040221 | KU Global Strategy (MA) | Prof. Katerina Makri | 4 | Syllabus |
040152 | KU Family Firm Internationalisation (MA) | Dr. Francesco Debellis | 4 | Syllabus |
040609 | KU International Negotiations (MA) | Dr. Michele Griessmair | 4 | Syllabus |
040141 | SE Qualitative Research Methods (MA) | Mag. Giulia Galizzi | 4 | Syllabus |
040180 | SE Global Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability (MA) | Dr. Aveed Raha | 4 | Syllabus |
040171 | SE Artificial Intelligence and the Multinational Company (MA) | Dr. Thomas Lindner | Mag. Claus Aichinger | 4 | Syllabus |
040234 | SE Masterarbeitskonversatorium | Prof. DDr. Adamantios Diamantopoulos | 2 | Syllabus |