Extant country-of-origin (COO) research lacks strong theory, assumes only reflecting thinking on the part of consumers, and relies invariably on explicit (direct) measurement of country stereotypes. The proposed project integrates Fiske et al.’s (2002) stereotype content model (SCM) with Strack and Deutsch’s (2004) reflective-impulsive model (RIM) into a unifying conceptual framework which is subsequently used to study the impact of both explicitly- and implicitly-assessed country stereotypes on consumer emotions and behavior. Based on a series of complementary studies – both survey- and experimentally-based – it seeks to offer detailed insights into (a) the degree of and reasons for the convergence/divergence of explicitly- and implicitly-measured country stereotypes, (b) the relative influence of such stereotypes on deliberate vs. spontaneous purchase decisions, (c) the role of implicit country stereotypes in steering consumers’ attention and (automatic) approach impulses, (d) the mediating effects of (positive and negative) emotions on the stereotype-behavior relationship, and (e) the relative predictive validity of explicitly- and implicitly-measured country stereotypes with respect to a wide range of behavioral outcomes. The project findings are expected to substantially advance both COO theory and stereotyping theory as well as generate several implications relevant for practice.
General Information
Funding Institution: | Austrian Science Fund (FWF) |
Project Title: | Explicit and Implicit Country Stereotypes Consumers |
FWF Project Number: | P 26740-G11 |
Lifetime: | 01.09.2014 - 31.08.2018 |
Grant Awarded: | € 355.687,50 |
Research Institutions: | University of Vienna Department of Business Administration University of Vienna Department of Psychology |
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Project Leader
Prof. DDr. Adamantios Diamantopoulos
Chair of International Marketing,
Department of Business Administration
University of Vienna
Co-Project Leader
Applied Social Psychology and Consumer Research,
Department of Psychology
University of Vienna
Dr. Georgios Halkias
Post-doctoral Researcher
Peer-reviewed Publications
Halkias, G., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A. and Palcu, J. (2021). Eyes Wide Shut? Understanding and Managing Consumers' Visual Processing of Country-of-Origin Cues. British Journal of Management, in press. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12545.
Halkias, G. and Diamantopoulos, A. (2020). Universal Dimensions of Individuals' Perception: Revisiting the Operationalization of Warmth and Competence with a Mixed-method Approach. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37, 714-736. doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2020.02.004.
Diamantopoulos, A., Florack, A., Halkias, G. and Palcu, J. (2017). Implicit Country Stereotypes as Predictors of Product Preferences: Insights from the Stereotype Content Model. Journal of International Business Studies, 48, 1023-1026. doi: 10.1057/s41267-017-0085-9, Hybrid Open Access.
Halkias, G., Davvetas, V. and Diamantopoulos, A. (2016). The Interplay between Country Stereotypes and Perceived Brand Globalness/Localness as Drivers of Brand Preference. Journal of Business Research, 69, 3621-3628. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.03.022, Hybrid Open Access.
Halkias, G., Diamantopoulos, A. and Florack, A. (2019). When Country Competence Backfires: Stereotype-Driven Emotions and the Dark Side of Envy. Proceedings Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy Conference, May 28-31 (Hamburg, Germany).
Halkias, G., Diamantopoulos, A., Florack, A. and Palcu J. (2018). Visual Attention as Necessary (Yet Not Necessarily Sufficient) Condition for Country-of-Origin Effect on Consumer Preferences. Proceedings Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy Conference, May 29-June 1 (Glasgow, UK).
Halkias, G., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A. and Palcu, J. (2015). Explicit and Implicit Country-of-Origin Stereotypes: Using the Stereotype Content Model to Predict Consumer Responses. Proceedings Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, May 26-29 (Leuven, Belgium).
Halkias, G., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A. and Palcu, J. (2017). Country-related Emotions as Mediators of the Relationship between Country Stereotype Dimensions and Brand Affect. Proceedings Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, May 23-26 (Groningen, The Netherlands).
Non peer-reviewed Publications
Florack, A. and Palcu, J. (2017). The Psychology of Branding. In C. Jansson-Boyd and M. Zawisza (Eds.), International Handbook of Consumer Psychology (pp. 542-564). New York: Routledge.
Keynote Speeches & invited Presentations at several Colloquia or Symposia
Diamantopoulos, A. (2014). Does Country-of-Origin Still Matter in an Era of Global Brands? Keynote speech at the 5th EMAC Regional Conference, September 24-26 (Katowice, Poland).
Diamantopoulos, A. (2017). Country Stereotypes in Consumer Behavior: Reflections on their Nature, Activation and Impact. Keynote speech at the 8th EMAC Regional Conference, September 20-22 (Timisoara, Romania).
Diamantopoulos, A. (2018). Swimming in a Crowded Sea. Doing Research and Publishing in Heavily Research Areas. Keynote speech at the Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, May 29 - June 1 (Glasgow, UK).
Diamantopoulos, A. (2018). How Country Stereotypes Impact Consumer Behavior: Activation, Nature and Consequences. Keynote speech at the 6th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, June 27-29 (Athens, Greece).
Florack, A. (2015). Impulsive Buying and Visual Attention. Invited talk at the research seminar of the University of Cologne Forum of Motivation, Self-Control, and Economic Behavior.
Florack, A. (2017). Applied Social Psychology: The Case of Consumer Psychology. Invited talk at the Bilateral workshop: Connecting the social psychology labs at the University of Sarajevo and the University of Belgrade.
Florack, A. (2018). The Impact of Selective Attention on Consumer Choice. Invited research presentation at the University of Ljubljana.
Conference Presentations
Diamantopoulos, A., Florack, A. and Serfas, B. (2014). The Stereotype Content Model Applied to Country of Origin Stereotypes: Construct Validity and Prediction of Purchase Intentions, presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference (Baltimore, USA).
Diamantopoulos, A., Florack, A. and Serfas, B. G. (2015). The Stereotype Content Model in Country-of-Origin Research: Measurement Issues. In C. S. Katsikeas (Chair), Global SIG: Contemporary Developments in Global Marketing Research. Special Session of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference (San Antonio, USA).
Florack, A. and Egger, M. (2016). The Effects of Selective Attention on Choice: An Eye-tracking Study, presented at the Association for Consumer Research (Berlin, Germany).
Florack, A. and Egger, M. (2017). The Effects of Selective Attention on Preferences, presented at the La Londe Marketing Conference (La Londe, France).
Palcu, J., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A. and Halkias, G. (2016). Attention to Country of Origin Information, presented at the Conference of the Association of Consumer Research (Berlin, Germany).
Palcu, J., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A. and Halkias, G. (2017a). Attention to Country-of-Origin Information: An Eye-tracking Approach, presented at the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference (Orlando, USA).
Palcu, J., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A. and Halkias, G. (2017b). Attention Asymmetry: How Judgments of Warmth and Competence Direct Attention to a Product’s Country of Origin, presented at the La Londe Marketing Conference (La Londe, France).
Egger, M., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A. and Halkias, G. (2019). The Early Gaze Catches the Consumer: The Role of Attention on Country of Origin Cues in a Screening and an Evaluation Phase, presented at the Neuro Psycho Economics Conference (Roma, Italy).