Do IB Researchers Account for Language Issues: State of the Art and Lessons for the Future

Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, A. Chidlow, C. Welch

In this paper, we problematize the way language has been treated in international business (IB) research. We conduct a hermeneutic content analysis of both qualitative and quantitative cross-language studies that have been published in four core IB journals over the course of a decade. We find that of those articles that do discuss language, most restrict themselves to a narrow lexical view of translation equivalence. In this paper, we offer an alternative approach that is grounded in interpretivist approaches and informed by translation studies. This approach entails consideration of equivalence of meaning, response equivalence, difference and context.

External organisation(s)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
502016 SME-research, 502054 Entrepreneurship
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