All Publications Chair of International Business
Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 385
Makri K, Papadas KK, Schlegelmilch BB. Global Social Networking Sites and Global Identity: A three-country Study. Journal of Business Research. 2021 Jun;130:482-492. Epub 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.11.065
Kampouri K, Plakoyiannaki E. Entry Nodes in Foreign Market Entry and Post-Entry Operations of Family-Managed Firms. In The Palgrave Handbook of Family Firm Internationalization. Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. p. 237-264 doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-66737-5_8
Kolbl Ž, Diamantopoulos A, Plakoyiannaki E. It Takes Three to Tango: Brand-, Brand Buyer- & Brand Origin Stereotypes in Print Advertisements. A Content Analytic Study. In Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy Conference. 2021
Montanari MG, Diamantopoulos A, Giraldi J. Revisiting Country of Origin Effects on Consumers’ Willingness to Pay: Are Gains different than Losses? In Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy Conference. 2021
Debellis F, De Massis A, Messeni Petruzzelli A, Frattini F, Del Giudice M. Strategic agility and international joint ventures: The willingness-ability paradox of family firms. Journal of International Management. 2021 Mar;27(1):100739. Epub 2020 Feb 6. doi: 10.1016/j.intman.2020.100739
Micevski M, Diamantopoulos A, Erdbrügger J. From Country Stereotypes to Country Emotions to Intentions to Visit a Country: Implications for a Country as a Destination Brand. Journal of Product & Brand Management. 2021 Jan 28;30(1):118-131. Epub 2020 Jun 13. doi: 10.1108/JPBM-09-2019-2563
Plakoyiannaki E, Budhwar P. From Convention to Alternatives: Rethinking Qualitative Research in Management Scholarschip. British Journal of Management. 2021 Jan;32(1):3-6. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12464
Debellis F, Rondi E, Plakoyiannaki E, De Massis A. Riding the waves of family firm internationalization: A systematic literature review, integrative framework, and research agenda. Journal of World Business. 2021 Jan;56(1):101144. Epub 2020 Oct 14. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2020.101144
Diamantopoulos A, Matarazzo M, Petrychenko A. The "Pricing Footprint" of Country Image: Insights from the Price Sensitivity Meter. 2021. Paper presented at International Marketing Trends Conference 2021, Venice, Italy.
Kampouri K, Plakoyiannaki E. Entry Modes in Foreign Market Entry and Post-Entry Operations of Family-Managed Firms. In Palgrave Handbook on Family Firm Internationalization. 2021
Debellis F, Rondi E. How do family firms orchestrate their Global Value Chain? In Leppäaho T, Jack S, editors, The Palgrave Handbook of Family Firm Internationalization. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. p. 265–287 doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-66737-5_9
Diamantopoulos A, Matarazzo M, Montanari MG, Petrychenko A. The “Pricing Footprint” of Country-of-Origin: Conceptualization and Empirical Assessment. Journal of Business Research. 2021;135:749-757. Epub 2021 Jun 16. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.07.011
Szöcs I, Diamantopoulos A, Luburic G. The Role of Brand Stereotypes in Mediating the Impact of Consumer Xenocentrism and Consumer Ethnocentrism on Preferences for Domestic and Foreign Brands. In Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy. European Marketing Academy. 2021. 93512
Halkias G, Diamantopoulos A. Universal Dimensions of Individuals' Perception: Revisiting the Operationalization of Warmth and Competence with a Mixed-Method Approach. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 2020 Dec;37(4):714-736. Epub 2020 Feb 25. doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2020.02.004
Davvetas V, Diamantopoulos A, Zaefarian G, Sichtmann C. Ten Basic Questions About Structural Equations Modeling You Should Know the Answers To - But Perhaps You Don't. Industrial Marketing Management. 2020 Oct;90:252-263. Epub 2020 Aug 5. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.07.016
Diamantopoulos A, Egger M, Florack A, Gidaković P, Kolbl Z, Szöcs I et al. On the Interplay of Brand Origin, Brand and Brand User Stereotypes. In Proceedings of the 11th EMAC Regional Conference. 2020
Diamantopoulos A, Matarazzo M, Petrychenko A. One More Time: Does Country Image Influence Consumers' Willingness to Pay? In Proceedings of the 11th EMAC Regional Conference. 2020
Davvetas V, Diamantopoulos A, Liu L. Lit Up or Dimmed Down? Why, When, and How Regret Anticipation Affects Consumers' Use of the Global Brand Halo. Journal of International Marketing. 2020 Sept 1;28(3):40-63. Epub 2020 Apr 6. doi: 10.1177/1069031X20910112
Kolbl Z, Diamantopoulos A, Arslanagic-Kalajdzic M, Zabkar V. Do Brand Warmth and Brand Competence Add Value to Consumers? A Stereotyping Perspective. Journal of Business Research. 2020 Sept;118(September):346-362. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.06.048
Kampouri K, Plakoyiannaki E, Hajidimitriou Y. Emotions in International Decisions: A systematic review and synthesis. 2020. Paper presented at 13th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB), Unknown.
Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 385