All Publications Chair of International Business
Showing entries 261 - 280 out of 385
Welch C, Piekkari R, Plakoyiannaki E, Paavilainen-Mäntymäki E. Theorising from case studies: Towards a pluralist future for international business research. Journal of International Business Studies. 2011 Jun 1;42(5):740-762. doi: 10.1057/jibs.2010.55
Stavraki G, Plakoyiannaki E. Pathways and Outcomes of Immersion: A case study of Imaginative Responses and Personal Reflections of Joan Miro’s Artwork. 2011. Paper presented at 40th European Marketing Academy Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Dimitratos P, Petrou A, Plakoyiannaki E, Johnson JE. Strategic decision-making processes in internationalization: Does national culture of the focal firm matter? Journal of World Business. 2011 Apr 1;46(2):194-204. doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2010.05.002
Stavraki G, Plakoyiannaki E. Appropriating an Artistic Brand Meaning: A Case Study of Consumers’ Responses to Miro’s Exhibition. 2011. Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Athen, Greece.
Kotzaivazoglou I, Plakoyiannaki E. Gender Stereotypes and Election Campaigns: A Longitudinal Analysis of Print Political Advertising in Greece. 2011. Paper presented at 61st Political Studies Association Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom.
Sichtmann C, Ring A, Diamantopoulos A. Beyond the Parent Brand: Does the Country-of-Origin Affect Brand Extension Success? In Proceedings Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (May 24-27, 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia). 2011
Fletcher M, Plakoyiannaki E. Case Study Selection: Key Issues and Challenges for International Business Researchers. In Marschan-Pierkkari R, Welch C, editors, Case Study Research for International Business. Edward Elgar. 2011. p. 171 - 191
Diamantopoulos A. Consumer Affinity Construct. In Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing: International Marketing. Wiley. 2011. p. 11-13
Diamantopoulos A, Oberecker EM. Consumer Sentiments towards Foreign Countries as Predictors of Behavioral Intentions. 2011. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Oberecker EM, Diamantopoulos A. Consumers' Emotional Bonds with Foreign Countries: Does Consumer Affinity Affect Behavioral Intentions? Journal of International Marketing. 2011;19(2):45-72.
Diamantopoulos A, Zeugner-Roth K. Country of Origin as Brand Element. In Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing: International Marketing. Wiley. 2011. p. 18-22
Sichtmann C, Wilken R, Diamantopoulos A. Estimating Willingness-to-Pay with Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis: Can Consumer Characteristics Explain Variations in Accuracy? British Journal of Management. 2011;22(4):628-645. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2010.00696.x
Balabanis G, Diamantopoulos A. Gains and Losses from the Misperception of Brand Origin: The Role of Brand Strength and Country-of-Origin Image. Journal of International Marketing. 2011;19(2):95-116.
Löhndorf B, Diamantopoulos A. How Employee - Brand Relationships and Employee - Work Relationships Can Turn Employees Into Brand Champions Through Organizational Identification. In Proceedings Consumer Brand Relationship Colloquium (March 17-19 2011, Orlando, USA). 2011
Diamantopoulos A. Incorporating Formative Measures Into Covariance-Based Structural Equation Models. MIS Quarterly. 2011;35(2):335-358.
Sichtmann C, von Selasinsky M, Diamantopoulos A. Service Quality and Export Performance of Business-to-Business Service Provides: The Role of Service Employee- and Customer-Oriented Quality Control Initiatives. Journal of International Marketing. 2011;19(1):1-22.
Diamantopoulos A, Schlegelmilch BB, Palihawadana D. The Relationship Between Country-of-Origin Image and Brand Image as Drivers of Purchase Intentions: A Test of Alternative Perspectives. International Marketing Review. 2011;28(5):508-524. doi: 10.1108/02651331111167624
Diamantopoulos A, Riefler P. Using Formative Measures in International Marketing Models: A Cautionary Tale Using Consumer Animosity as an Example. In Advances in International Marketing. Emerald. 2011. p. 11-30
Dimitratos P, Plakoyiannaki E, Pitsoulaki A, Tüselmann HJ. The global smaller firm in international entrepreneurship. International Business Review. 2010 Dec 1;19(6):589-606. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2010.03.005
Michailova S, Plakoyiannaki E, Ritvala T, Piekkari R, Jormanainen I, Salmi A. Exiting the Field: The Missing Piece in the Puzzle of Fieldwork. 2010. Paper presented at 36th European Academy of International Business conference, Porto, Portugal.
Showing entries 261 - 280 out of 385