All Publications Chair of International Business


Piekkari R, Welch C, Plakoyiannaki E, Paavilainen E. Case Study Research in International Business: Towards a Critical Approach. 2010. Paper presented at 3rd Qualitative Research Conference, Vaasa, Finland.

Diamantopoulos A. Affective and Cognitive Assessment of Foreign Countries: Impact on Behavioral Intentions. In Proceedings of the AMA Summer Educators' Conference. Unknown publisher. 2010

Zeugner-Roth K, Diamantopoulos A. Home Country Bonds and Biases: Linkages and Impact on Purchase Intentions. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy. Unknown publisher. 2010

Fletcher M, Plakoyiannaki E. Sampling in Case Study Research. In Mills AJ, Durepos G, Wiebe E, editors, Encylopedia of Case Study Research. Vol. 2. Sage Publications Ltd. 2010. p. 837 - 840 doi: 10.4135/9781412957397

Löhndorf B, Herz M, Diamantopoulos A. The Impact of Perceived Brand Localness and Brand Globalness on Consumers' Brand Equity Perceptions and Purchase Intentions. In Fourth German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing. Unknown publisher. 2010

Riefler P, Diamantopoulos A. Using Formative Measures in Theoretical Models: A Cautionary Tale. In German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing 2010. Unknown publisher. 2010


Poulis K, Poulis E, Plakoyiannaki E. Contextualising Case Study Selection: Introducing a Framework. 2009. Paper presented at 35th European Academy of International Business Conference, Valencia, Spain.

Triantos A, Plakoyiannaki E. Consumers’ Perception of Advertising Creativity: Introducing a Framework. 2009. Paper presented at 2nd Biennial Conference on Services Marketing, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Diamantopoulos A, Schlegelmilch BB, Palihawadana D. Country-of-Oirgin: A Construct Past its Sell by Date? In Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference. Unknown publisher. 2009

Diamantopoulos A, Schlegelmilch BB, Palihawadana D. Country-of-Origin: Still Alive and Kicking? In Proceedings Annual Conference of the European Academy Conference (EMAC). Unknown publisher. 2009