All Publications Chair of International Business



Plakoyiannaki E, Deligianni I. Growth and Learning Spillovers from International Markets: Empirical Evidence from Greek Firms. 2007. Paper presented at 33rd European Academy of International Business Conference, Catania, Italy.

Plakoyiannaki E, Boutsouki C, Zotos Y. Male Portrayals in Greek Advertising: Insights from the Greek Context. 2007. Paper presented at 10th International Conference on Marketing and Development, Washington, United States.

Fuchs C, Diamantopoulos A. A Consumer-Derived Measure of Brand Positioning Effectiveness: Development and Validation. In Proceedings of the 13th Biennial World Marketing Congress, (July 11-14, 2007, Verona, Italy). Unknown publisher. 2007

Riefler P, Diamantopoulos A. Consumer Cosmopolitanism: Scale Development and Validation. In Proceedings from the 36th EMAC Conference. Unknown publisher. 2007

Fuchs C, Diamantopoulos A. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Brand Positioning Strategies: A Consumer Perspective. In Dixon AL, Machleit KA, editors, 2007 American Marketing Association Winter Educators's Conference - Marketing Theory. Chicago: Unknown publisher. 2007. p. 89-89

Födermayr E, Diamantopoulos A. Segmentation Effectiveness: Empirical Evidence from International Companies and Experts. In Proceedings from the 36th EMAC Conference. Unknown publisher. 2007


Plakoyiannaki E, Boutsouki C. Gender Portrayals within Contemporary Greek Magazine Advertisements: A Content Analysis. 2006. Paper presented at 35th European Marketing Academy Conference, Athen, Greece.

Plakoyiannaki E, Ziamou L, Boutsouki C. Rethinking Female Portrayals in Print Advertisements: Exploring Relationships between. 2006. Paper presented at 35th European Marketing Academy Conference, Athen, Greece.