All Publications Chair of International Business
Showing entries 241 - 260 out of 385
Triantos A, Outra E, Plakoyiannaki E, Petridis L. Anthropomorphism in Packages of Grocery Brands: An Exploratory Content Analysis. 2012. Paper presented at 41st European Marketing Academy Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Outra E, Zotos Y, Plakoyiannaki E. Postmodern Marketing: The Era of Post-marketing. 2012. Paper presented at 10th World Media Economics and Management Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Papastathopoulou P, Tsogas M, Plakoyiannaki E, Andronikidis A. The Nature and Structure of Multiple Stakeholder Marketing Orientation in Higher Education: A Theoretical Proposition and its Empirical Test. 2012. Paper presented at 41st European Marketing Academy Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Stavraki G, Plakoyiannaki E. Voices in my Head: Aesthetic Experiences under Construction-Consumers. 2012. Paper presented at 41st European Marketing Academy Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Triantos A, Outra E, Plakoyiannaki E, Petridis L. Examining Anthropomorphism in Product Packaging: An Exploratory Content Analysis. 2012. Paper presented at 17th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Helsinki, Finland.
Sarstedt M, Wilczynski P, Diamantopoulos A. A Comparative Evaluation of Different Single-Item Selection Procedures for Construct Measurement. In Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, New Orleans, USA. Ruston: Academy of Marketing Science. 2012
Koschate N, Diamantopoulos A, Oldenkotte K. Are Consumers Really Willing to Pay More for a Favorable Country Image? A Study of Country-of-Origin Effects on Willingness to Pay. Journal of International Marketing. 2012;20(1):19-41. doi: 10.1509/jim.10.0140
Moriuchi E, Diamantopoulos A, Jackson P. Bicultural Consumption Behavior: An Experimental Study on Shin Japanese-American Perceptions and Buying Intentions towards Hedonic and Utilitarian Products. 2012. Paper presented at American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference 2012, St. Petersburg, United States.
Plakoyiannaki E. Case Studies in Family Business Research: A Review and Critical Analysis. 2012. Paper presented at 38th EIBA Annual Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Riefler P, Diamantopoulos A, Siguaw JA. Cosmopolitan Consumers as a Target Group for Segmentation. Journal of International Business Studies. 2012;43(3):285-305.
Fuchs C, Diamantopoulos A. Customer-Perceived Positioning Effectiveness: Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Implications for New Product Managers. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 2012;29(2):229-244. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-5885.2011.00892.x
Sichtmann C, Diamantopoulos A. Do Perceived Brand Globalness and Country-of-Origin Affect the Success of Brand Extensions? In Rita P, editor, Marketing to citizens : going beyond customers and consumers: 41th EMAC Conference, Lisbon, 22-25 May 2012. Lisbon: ISCTE Business School. 2012
Diamantopoulos A, Ring A, Schlegelmilch BB. Drivers of Export Segmentation Effectiveness. In Proceedings Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (May 22-25 2012, Lisbon, Portugal). 2012
Diamantopoulos A, Sarstedt M, Fuchs C, Wilczynski P, Kaiser S. Guidelines for Choosing Between Multi-Item and Single-Item Scales for Construct Measurement: A Predictive Validity Perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2012;40(3):434-449.
Herz M, Diamantopoulos A. How Country Stereotype Impact Behavioral Intentions: The Mediating Influence of Cognitive and Affective Brand Evaluations. 2012. Paper presented at 41th European Marketing Academy Conference, Lissabon, Portugal.
Herz M, Diamantopoulos A. Implicit Country Attitudes and their Spontaneous Influence on Cognitive and Affective Dimensions of the Brand Image. In Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference (Feb 17-19 2012, St. Petersburg, USA). 2012
Diamantopoulos A, Fritz W, Hildebrandt L. Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management: Marketing Models and Methods in Theory and Practice. SPRINGER-V D I VERLAG GMBH, 2012. 630 p.
Plakoyiannaki E, Papastathopoulou P. Case Study Research in New Service Development: A Review and Critical Assessment. 2011. Paper presented at 3rd Biennial Conference on Services Marketing, Izmir, Turkey.
Kokkou H, Plakoyiannaki E, Andronikidis A, Papastathopoulou P. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A Review and Research Agenda. 2011. Paper presented at 3rd Biennial Conference on Services Marketing, Izmir, Turkey.
Stavraki G, Plakoyiannaki E, Zotos Y. From Identifications to Emergent Identities and from Experience Attachment to Self-extension: A case study of Toulouse Lautrec Consumption. 2011. Paper presented at 10th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, Unknown.
Showing entries 241 - 260 out of 385