Guest Lectures in Family Firm Internationalization


The synergy between business and education is the milestone guiding the practice-oriented MSc course of Family Firm Internationalization directed by Dr. Francesco Debellis. In the last two weeks, our students could get many interesting insights during two amazing guest lectures with family business entrepreneurs, consultants and experts.

In the first lesson, we hosted Emanuele Preve, Managing Director of Riso Gallo S.p.A. , a successful 6th generation family firm, sharing his personal experience on how family dynamics and in particular the generational succession impact on internationalization choices. Moreover, we hosted the legal and tax consultants Stefano Loconte and Beatrice Molteni (Loconte&Partners), who gave an insightful legal perspective on the trust and other tools that facilitate the generational transition in family businesses.

In the second lesson, we hosted Alessandro Pradelli, CEO of Peyrano, an extraordinary family firm with over 100 years of history... and a vision that points to at least another 100 years! It was a fascinating lecture to discover the values and the corporate culture of an historical ultra-premium chocolatier that has been the official provider of the Italian Royal family and that is innovating while keeping authenticity and preserving its values and traditions.

In both lessons, the Chair of International Business, Prof. Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, as well as Prof. Alfredo De Massis and Dr. Emanuela Rondi (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano) took part in the lecture and enriched the debate with our students.